What is your skin type - the ultimate guide

Am: 23.07.2024 durch: evaheyer
What is your skintype?


The different skin types and their care

A comprehensive guide for healthy and radiant skin

Why is skin type so important?

Your skin type is the key to an effective skincare routine. It determines which products are best for you and how your skin reacts to different ingredients and environmental influences. Knowing your skin type allows you to select products that provide optimal care for your skin and target typical problems.

The different skin types at a glance

We generally differentiate between six skin types


Skin type Main features
Normal skin Balanced, smooth, elastic
Dry skin Brittle, flaky, tight
Blemished skin Oily, shiny, prone to spots
Sensitive skin Sensitive, easily irritated, often reddened
Mature skin Wrinkled, sagging, pigmented
Combination skin Combination, oily T-zone, dry cheeks

Each of these skin types has its own characteristics and needs. In this guide, we will look at each type in detail, explain their specific characteristics and give you valuable tips for optimal skincare.

Normal skin: The gold standard of skin types

Normale Haut

Normal skin is often regarded as the "ideal type". It is characterized by a balanced ratio of moisture and oil and is not prone to excessive dryness or excess sebum. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of normal skin:


Perfect balance between moisture and oil production


Uniform and even surface


Good resilience of the skin


Small, barely visible pores


Even complexion without noticeable redness


Natural glow and healthy appearance


Flexible and soft to the touch


Pleasantly soft skin surface

Good blood circulation

Rosy complexion and vital appearance


Robust against external influences

Care tips for normal skin

Even though normal skin requires less care than other skin types, a regular routine is important to maintain its condition:

  • Gently cleanse your skin morning and night to remove dirt and sebum.
  • Use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to help hydrate.
  • Apply a sunscreen daily to prevent premature ageing.
  • Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to promote cell renewal.
  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated for radiant skin from the inside out.

With the right care, you can maintain the enviable qualities of your normal skin in the long term and support its healthy, radiant appearance.

Dry skin: when the skin lacks moisture

Trockene Haut

Dry skin is characterized by a lack of moisture and lipids. It can feel uncomfortable and requires special care. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of dry skin:


Rough, brittle texture, prone to fine lines


Visible detachment of skin flakes


Uneven and rough skin surface


Unpleasant feeling of tension on the skin


Tendency to itching and irritation


Lackluster and dull appearance


Very fine, barely visible pores


Tendency to fine cracks in the horny layer


Increased sensitivity to external influences


Lifeless-looking skin without a natural glow

Care tips for dry skin

The right care can help dry skin regain its balance:

  • Use gentle, pH-neutral cleansing products that do not dry out the skin further.
  • Apply a rich moisturizer immediately after washing to retain moisture in the skin.
  • Incorporate products with hyaluronic acid ingredients into your skincare routine to improve moisture retention.
  • Use a nourishing night cream or facial oil at night to intensely moisturize the skin.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to support your skin from within.
  • Use a humidifier, especially in dry or air-conditioned rooms, to increase humidity.

With the right care and attention, dry skin can be significantly improved, resulting in more comfortable skin and a healthier appearance.

Blemished skin: when sebum and impurities dominate

Unreine Haut

Blemished skin is characterized by excessive sebum production and a tendency to blemishes. It requires special care to reduce impurities and promote a balanced complexion. Let's take a look at the characteristics of blemished skin:


Excessive sebum production, especially in the T-zone


Noticeable shine due to excess sebum

Large pores

Enlarged, visible pores


Tendency to pimples and acne


Frequent skin redness and inflammation


Irregular skin texture due to impurities


Tendency to clogged pores and comedones


Oily skin feeling, especially during the day


Frequent occurrence of blackheads


Increased tendency to develop acne

Care tips for blemished skin

The right skincare can help improve blemished skin and reduce breakouts:

  • Cleanse your skin twice a day with a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser.
  • Use light, oil-free moisturizers to avoid adding extra stress to the skin.
  • Incorporate products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide into your routine to unclog and fight bacteria.
  • Exfoliate regularly but gently to remove dead skin cells.
  • Avoid squeezing pimples as this can lead to inflammation and scarring.
  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
  • Use non-comedogenic make-up and clean your make-up brushes regularly.

With patience and the right care, blemished skin can be significantly improved. It's important to stay consistent and adapt your skincare routine to your skin's changing needs.

Sensitive skin: when the skin overreacts

Sensible Haut

Sensitive skin reacts easily to external stimuli and care products. It requires special attention and gentle care. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of sensitive skin:


Fast reaction to external stimuli


Tendency to redness and irritation


Frequent or permanent reddening of the skin


Tendency to itch when irritated


Burning sensation when using the product


Tendency to dry, scaly patches


Often thin, sensitive skin structure

Quickly irritated

Rapid reaction to various stimuli

Sensitive to allergies

Increased tendency to allergies


Feeling of tension on the skin

Care tips for sensitive skin

The right care can help to soothe sensitive skin and improve its resilience:

  • Only use mild, fragrance-free cleansing products.
  • Always test new products on a small area of skin first before applying them to large areas.
  • Prefer products with few, well-tolerated ingredients.
  • Protect your skin from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
  • Use a gentle, non-irritating moisturizer to strengthen the skin barrier.
  • Avoid hot water when washing and gently pat the skin dry instead of rubbing.
  • Ensure a balanced diet and adequate hydration.

With the right care and attention, sensitive skin can be soothed and its reactivity reduced. Patience and consistency are the keys to success.

Mature skin: when time leaves its mark

Reife Haut

Mature skin is the result of the natural ageing process and is characterized by specific changes in structure and function. It requires special care to maintain vitality and elasticity. Let's take a look at the characteristic properties of mature skin:


Visible lines and wrinkles


Loss of skin firmness


Uneven skin coloration, age spots


Reduced sebum production, dry skin


Decreasing skin thickness


Loss of color brilliance


Reduced skin elasticity

Low moisture

Reduced ability to retain moisture


Loss of skin elasticity

Age spots

Appearance of pigment spots

Care tips for mature skin

The right care can help to support mature skin and improve its appearance:

  • Use rich, moisturizing creams that strengthen the skin barrier.
  • Incorporate products with antioxidants such as vitamins C and E into your skincare routine to fight free radicals.
  • Use products with retinol or peptides to stimulate collagen production.
  • Make sure you use a good sunscreen to prevent further light-induced skin damage.
  • Use gentle exfoliants to promote cell renewal.
  • Massage your skin regularly to promote blood circulation.
  • Make sure you eat a balanced, nutritious diet and stay hydrated.

With the right care and attention, mature skin can maintain its vital and healthy appearance. Patience and consistency are crucial for visible results.

Combination skin


When different skin types meet


Combination skin is characterized by a combination of different skin types in different areas of the face. It requires balanced care that is tailored to the different needs of the skin zones. Let's take a look at the characteristic features of combination skin:


Mixture of different skin types

T-zone oily

Increased sebum production in forehead, nose, chin

Dry cheeks

Normal to dry skin on the cheeks


Different skin needs in different zones

Partially shiny

Shine in the T-zone

Partially matt

Matte areas on cheeks and eye area

Different pore sizes

Larger pores in the T-zone, finer pores on the cheeks

Scaly in places

Scaling possible in dry areas

Greasy in some areas

Greasy shine in certain areas of the face

Alternating between oily and dry

Alternating between oily and dry zones

Care tips for combination skin

The right care for combination skin requires a balanced approach that takes into account the different needs of the various skin areas:

  • Use a mild, pH-neutral cleanser for the entire face.
  • Use light, oil-free moisturizers for the T-zone and richer products for dry areas.
  • Apply mattifying products specifically to the oily T-zone.
  • Exfoliate regularly but gently to remove excess sebum and dead skin cells.
  • Use face masks: clay masks for the T-zone and moisturizing masks for dry areas.
  • Make sure to use a light, non-comedogenic sunscreen for the entire face.
  • Adapt your skincare routine to the seasons as the needs of combination skin can change throughout the year.

With the right skincare and a targeted approach, combination skin can be balanced and harmonized. Patience and a willingness to use different products for different areas of the face are the keys to success.

The right skincare routine for every skin type

An effective skincare routine is based on the specific needs of your skin type. Here are the basic steps of skincare, adapted to different skin types:

Basic skincare steps

  1. Cleansing
  2. Toner/Essence
  3. Serum
  4. Moisturizer
  5. Sunscreen (during the day)

Adaptation to the respective skin type

Skin type
Normal skin
Mild, pH-neutral
Dry skin
Creamy, without alcohol
Hyaluronic acid
Rich, nourishing
Impure skin
Foam cleanser
Clarifying, with BHA
Oil-free, light
Sensitive skin
Very mild, without fragrance
Soothing (e.g. aloe)
Mature skin
Retinol, peptides
Rich, anti-aging
Combination skin
Light, balancing
Light in T-zone, rich on cheeks

How do you determine your skin type?

Determining your own skin type is the first step to an effective skincare routine. There are various methods to determine your skin type.

Self-test methods

1. The blotting paper test

  • Wash your face thoroughly and wait 30 minutes.
  • Gently press a blotting paper or tissue on different areas of your face.
  • Look at the paper:
    • Oily on all areas: Oily skin
    • Oily in the T-zone, dry on the cheeks: Combination skin
    • Hardly any oil visible: Normal or dry skin
    • Redness on the paper: Possibly sensitive skin

2. The wash test

  • Wash your face with a mild cleanser and wait an hour.
  • Observe how your skin feels:
    • Tight and itchy: Dry or sensitive skin
    • Shiny in the T-zone: Combination skin
    • Feels oily all over: Oily skin
    • Feels comfortable: Normal skin

3. The day observation

  • Observe your skin over the course of a day without make-up
    • Does it become increasingly shiny? Oily or combination skin
    • Does it feel tight throughout the day? Dry skin
    • Does it react sensitively to products or environmental influences? Sensitive skin
    • Does it remain comfortable throughout the day?

Professional skin analysis

For a more precise determination of your skin type and condition, you can consider a professional skin analysis:

  • Dermatologic examination: a dermatologist can accurately determine your skin type and address specific skin concerns.
  • Cosmetic skin analysis: Many beauty salons offer detailed skin analysis, often with specialized equipment to measure moisture, sebum production and other skin parameters.
  • Skin scanning technologies: Modern technologies such as 3D skin scanners can provide detailed information about your skin type, pore size, moisture and more.

Note that your skin type can change over time, influenced by factors such as age, hormonal fluctuations, diet and environmental influences. It is advisable to regularly reassess your skin type and adjust your skincare routine accordingly.

Regardless of which method you choose to determine your skin type, it is important to observe your skin over a longer period of time. Daily changes, seasonal fluctuations and reactions to different products can provide valuable information about your skin type and individual skincare needs.

Juui Skintype Checker

As a quick way to determine your skin type, we have created a skintype checker for you. Select at least 5 characteristics that apply to your skin and we will tell you which skin type you have.


Knowing your skin type is the key to an effective skincare routine. Every skin type has its own needs and challenges, but with the right skincare routine, any skin can look healthy and radiant.

Take note of these important points:

  • Determine your skin type and observe changes
  • Choose products that have been specially developed for your skin type
  • Stay consistent in your skincare routine
  • Protect your skin from environmental influences, especially UV radiation
  • Ensure a balanced diet and adequate hydration
  • Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist if you have persistent skin problems

"Healthy skin is beautiful skin. Invest time in understanding and caring for your skin and it will thank you with a radiant, vital appearance."

Remember: Your skin is as unique as you are. What works for others may not necessarily be right for you. Experiment carefully, listen to your skin and find the routine that suits you best.