Beta-glucan is a polysaccharide derived from the cell wall of yeast, fungi and cereals. It is used in skin care to soothe, repair and protect the skin.
How does beta-glucan work for the skin, in what way does the ingredient help to improve the skin?
Beta-glucan has strong moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to strengthen the skin barrier and soothe the skin, making it less susceptible to damage from external factors such as UV radiation and dryness. In addition, beta-glucan supports the skin's immune system and promotes wound healing.
What other benefits are known for this ingredient?
Beta-glucan can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It also has the ability to improve skin pigmentation and reduce dark spots.
Is it a natural or artificial ingredient?
Beta-glucan is a natural ingredient derived from the cell wall of yeast, fungi and grains.
How is beta-glucan obtained for use in Korean cosmetic products?
Beta-glucan is usually obtained by extraction from the cell wall of yeast, fungi and grains. However, there are also some Korean cosmetic products that obtain beta-glucan from plant sources such as rice or barley.
Are there any known harmful side effects or other disadvantages for the skin?
Beta-glucan is generally safe and has no harmful side effects. However, it can sometimes cause skin irritation in very sensitive skin. It may be useful to test products containing beta-glucan. first on an inconspicuous area of skin (e.g. the back of your hand). However, if you have very sensitive skin, are prone to allergies, are taking certain medications, or if you have known pre-existing conditions, it is generally advisable to seek advice from a dermatologist first.
With which other cosmetic ingredients is beta-glucan often combined?
Beta-glucan is often used in combination with other moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides to hydrate and soothe the skin. It is also popular when combined with anti-aging ingredients such as peptides and vitamin C to improve skin texture and elasticity. Beta-glucan also combines well with other anti-inflammatory ingredients such as green tea extract and zinc.
Disclaimer: The information provided here on the corresponding cosmetic ingredient has been carefully checked and compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. We accept no liability for any damage caused by the use of the information provided.