Ceramides are fat-like substances that are found in the horny layer of the skin and are important for the function and stability of the skin barrier. They consist of long-chain fatty acids that are embedded in lipid membranes, keep the skin moist and protect it from external influences.
How does the ingredient work for the skin, in what way does it contribute to the improvement of the skin?
Ceramides have a moisturizing effect and support the skin's natural protective barrier by holding cells together and protecting the skin from dehydration and damage caused by external factors such as UV radiation and cold. In this way, they contribute to healthy and well-groomed skin and can have a soothing effect on certain skin problems such as dryness, redness and flaking.
What other benefits are known for this ingredient?
Ceramides have anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties and can be beneficial for skin irritation and damage. They can make the skin appear smoother and firmer and improve skin texture.
What products does it tend to be found in?
Ceramides are found in many types of skin care products such as face creams, serums, masks and lotions. In Korean cosmetics, they are often used in products to care for dry and sensitive skin.
Is it a natural or artificial ingredient?
Ceramides are natural ingredients found in the horny layer of the skin. However, they can also be produced artificially.
How are ceramides produced?
They are made from natural raw materials such as vegetable oils.
Are there any known harmful side effects or other disadvantages for the skin?
There are no known harmful side effects or disadvantages to the skin associated with the use of ceramides in skin care products in normal amounts. They are considered safe and well tolerated and can be used on a wide variety of skin types and needs. However, if you have very sensitive skin, are prone to allergies, are taking certain medications, or if you have known pre-existing conditions, it is generally recommended that you first consult with a dermatologist.
Disclaimer: The information provided here on the relevant cosmetic ingredient has been carefully checked and compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. We accept no liability for any damage caused by the use of the information provided.