Phenoxyethanol is a synthetic preservative used in many cosmetic products such as creams, lotions, shampoo and make-up. It is a colorless and odorless liquid alcohol that can be produced naturally.
How does phenoxyethanol work for the skin, in what way does the ingredient help to improve the skin?
Phenoxyethanol is primarily used in cosmetic products to preserve and protect them from contamination by mold, bacteria and fungal growth. It also has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and can help stabilize the skin barrier.
What other benefits are known for this ingredient?
Phenoxyethanol has astringent (astringent) and slightly cooling properties, which is why it is sometimes used in deodorants and after-shave lotions, as well as in products for the care of sensitive skin.
Is it a natural or artificial ingredient?
Phenoxyethanol is an artificial ingredient that is produced synthetically.
How is phenoxyethanol obtained for use in Korean cosmetic products?
Phenoxyethanol is usually produced in the laboratory by reacting ethanol with phenol.
Are there any known harmful side effects or other disadvantages for the skin?
Although phenoxyethanol is considered safe and is used in many cosmetic products, there are some reports of skin irritation in sensitive skin. It can also cause allergic reactions in high concentrations (which are uncommon in cosmetic products). Therefore, if you have very sensitive skin, are prone to allergies, are taking certain medications, or if you have known pre-existing conditions, it is generally recommended that you first consult with a dermatologist before use.
Are there any known interactions with other cosmetic ingredients?
There are no known interactions of phenoxyethanol with other cosmetic ingredients.
With which other cosmetic ingredients is phenoxyethanol often combined?
Phenoxyethanol is often combined with other preservatives such as parabens, sorbic acid and benzyl alcohol. Together with emulsifiers, moisturizers and fragrances, it improves the texture and odor of cosmetic products.
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