Dry Skin

Dry skin arises when the skin can no longer retain sufficient moisture. Particularly on the face, dry skin can be bothersome, causing roughness, itchiness, and flakiness. Factors such as the use of inappropriate, excessively harsh skincare products, the utilization of stringent soaps, or simply the natural aging process can lead to dry or extremely dry facial skin.

External elements like dry indoor heating during winter, wind, chlorine, or excessive sun exposure during summer can also contribute to skin dryness. The optimal facial care for dry skin comprises moisturizers designed specifically for this skin type, aimed to rehydrate the skin's topmost layer and seal in the moisture. As Korean skincare products typically employ exceedingly gentle skincare formulas, they frequently offer ideal solutions for dry and extremely dry skin types. Korean cosmetics, for instance, usually exclude alcohol and instead incorporate a plethora of gentle ingredients that imbue dry skin with ample moisture, rendering it fuller and firmer. Specifically, dry skin benefits from a thorough K-beauty routine that includes a gentle cleansing oil, a replenishing, non-dehydrating cleansing gel, hydrating essences/serums, rich, nourishing ampoules, moisturizing face cream, and nourishing masks for an additional hydration boost. Sunscreen is an essential inclusion that should never be overlooked, and night masks enriched with hyaluronic acid can provide dry skin with the extra, vital hydration it requires.

Korean Skincare Products for Dry Skin:

Latest Arrivals
rom&and Juicy Lasting Tint 22 Pomelo Skin

rom&and Juicy Lasting Tint 22 Pomelo Skin

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Sold out
rom&and Juicy Lasting Tint 11 Pink Pumpkin

rom&and Juicy Lasting Tint 11 Pink Pumpkin

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
rom&and Glasting Water Tint 08 Rose Stream

rom&and Glasting Water Tint 08 Rose Stream

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Latest Arrivals
rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 02 Red Drop

rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 02 Red Drop

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 05 Rose Splash

rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 05 Rose Splash

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 03 Brick River

rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 03 Brick River

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Latest Arrivals
rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 04 Vintage Ocean

rom&nd Glasting Water Tint 04 Vintage Ocean

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
ma:nyo Galactomy Hyaluron Hydrating Sunscreen

ma:nyo Galactomy Hyaluron Hydrating Sunscreen

Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 23N Sand (Mini)

TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 23N Sand (Mini)

Cushions & Foundation
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Latest Arrivals
TIRTIR My Glow Honey Lip Oil

TIRTIR My Glow Honey Lip Oil

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Latest Arrivals
Jumiso Waterful Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Jumiso Waterful Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Serums / Ampoules
Dry Skin, Sensitive Skin, Normal Skin
Sold out
Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil

Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil

Facial Oils / Make Up Remover
Sensitive Skin, Dry Skin, Combination Skin
Latest Arrivals
TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 17C Porcelain (Mini)

TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 17C Porcelain (Mini)

Cushions & Foundation
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Sold out
TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 17C Porcelain (Mini)

TIRTIR Mask Fit Red Cushion 21N Ivory (Mini)

Cushions & Foundation
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Latest Arrivals
TIRTIR Lavender Lip Oil

TIRTIR My Glow Lavender Lip Oil

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin
Latest Arrivals
IRTIR My Glow Mint Lip Oil

TIRTIR My Glow Mint Lip Oil

Lip Care
Normal Skin, Dry Skin, Oily Skin